Freedom does not come from human institutions

July 4, 2020. Historically I have written posts inspired by the fourth of July on the topic of freedom. But this year feels different. There is so much tension in our society right now and the two main causes of this tension are each have deep roots in the lack of freedom. The country that…

New Year, New Creation Pt. 3: Resurrection

February 14, 2020. Welcome back to the New Year, New Creation series. Although this is not the final post I have planned, I do think this one is the most important in terms of theology as it is about the central tenet of the Christian faith. So, if you don’t read any other posts in…

New Year, New Creation Pt. 2: God cares about creation.

January 26, 2020 Welcome back to the New Year, New Creation series where we are exploring the biblical picture of the age to come. If you missed part 1 of the series, click here! Today we are going to set a little more of the Old Testament (and New) context for the relationship God has…

Love, Light and Life.

What does it mean to be a Christian? Have you ever really thought about that question? How would you answer it? Perhaps you might say, “well, being a Christian means I go to church on Sunday.” Or perhaps something along the lines of, “being a Christian means I don’t lie, cheat or steal.” It’s an…

A prayer of thanksgiving.

November 28, 2019. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings everything into being. Who gives the sun and the rain, the continuing cycles that bring forth life. Who appoints the days and the seasons to bless the sons of men. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of…

The Meaning of Marriage: A picture of Christ and the church

November 3, 2019. What does it mean to bear the image of God? In the opening pages of the bible we are given a creation story in which we hear God say “Let us create man in our own image, after our likeness…”, and then we read So God created man in his own image,…

Freedom in Christ.

July 4, 2019. “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 July 4th is a day that we as Americans typically hold in high regard as we reflect on who we are as a nation and the quintessential American value of…

Reclaiming Christmas.

December 25, 2017. I started to begin this post with several criticisms that people often levy at the celebration of Christmas, but I decided that this organization detracted from the point that I would like to make in this post. Throughout my life in the tradition I grew up in I have been taught time…